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The National Service Scheme was established with the objective of creating social awareness in the minds of college students and developing their holistic personality.The concept of National Service Scheme for College Students has been implemented under the Ministry of Youth Welfare and Sports Government of India since 24th September 1969, the centenary year of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi.On September 24, 1969, the Minister of Education, Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao, announced the launch of the National Service Scheme. The scheme was started with the objective of doing social work while studying in college, mixing with the people around you and doing constructive work by taking them into confidence, developing one’s own personality through social service.


‘NOT ME BUT YOU’ this is the motto of the NSS Scheme. This sentence makes us aware of democracy, social commitment, selfless service etc.The symbol of the National Service Scheme is based on the chariot wheel of the Sun Temple at Konark in the state of Orissa. The wheel is a symbol of motion. Speed can lead to social change and for this, today’s service has been made available to the college students through National Service Scheme (Rashtriya Seva Yojana). September 24 is celebrated every year as National Service Scheme Day.On this day various activities like blood donation, health camp, tree planting etc. are celebrated at university level as well as college level. Under the National Service Scheme many activities are undertaken at the College, University, State and National level.

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